Monday, May 24, 2010

this weekend is gonna rock

the last weeks spent editing and mixing beats antique's latest foray into sonic explosions has rendered me tired! cannot wait to unleash these new tracks on the ears of as many will listen!

i've been trying to find time for sidecar tommy songs to emerge for my upcoming sets at LIB and Hookadome benifit at 1015 folsom...i got a new tom waits remix of "make it rain" i'm workin on - last time i played it, tom's spirit actually made it rain, let's hope that doesn't happen everytime i play the damn thing!

very much looking forward to seeing alot of my friends this weekend at LIB! it's my favorite festival by far, and i'm so happy to be a part of it, the do lab never seizes to amaze me, and this is the festival that sort of lauched beats antique a couple years ago! and i dont have to explain how amazing that has been!

for now - tommy

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